
A major program of the FDJN was the 2005 opening of Centre de Santé Nimatoullah (CSJN) in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The CSJN Health Center is a professionally-managed, volunteer-driven, community-based organization focused on the empowerment of individuals and communities by improving health care status through education, partnership building, and both modern and traditional clinical interventions.

As a group, we are committed to working toward the goals established by the World Health Organization’s millennial objectives for health improvement, which call for reducing child mortality rates, addressing learning disabilities, improving maternal health indicators, and combating HIV/AIDS and other preventable conditions.

Our center has seven observation beds, an in-house pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, ultrasound and dental suites. CSJN is open seven days a week from 8 AM to 6 PM for scheduled care and medical staff is onsite 24 hours a day for emergencies.

We offer on-site specialty consultations in dental surgery, pediatrics, nutrition, gynecology, ophthalmology, diabetology, cardiology, rheumatology, neurology, gastroenterology, pulmonary, and HIV care. Our most common diagnoses include malaria, diarrhea, and infections.

In order to provide health care to people who otherwise would not receive it, the CSJN health center periodically organizes free health and educational outreach services. Most recently we engaged with close to 200 women and girls in a local neighborhood. Two-thirds received screening for breast and cervical cancer; one-third were screened for HIV/AIDS, and 27 young girls were vaccinated against cervical cancer. In addition, over one-third of participants were referred for further care at our main facility.